My Breadbox Story - the Commodore 64

You might find a few useful C64 links here:

Commodore Wire. Superb C64 Site! (great Links!)

You want to connect your VC1541 drive to your PC? No problem!

Lot's of PC-Commodore Cross-Platform Utilities

High Voltage Collection.Tons of SID songs in one 30 MB file. Awesome!


Michael Kobus for the
XE1541 + C64 audio cable the
"datenklo" digicam shots and
the sidplug compatible webspace!

Hanno for the the help with the ComeBack
64 Emulator. To the author of CB64 : Please
drop me a line.

Goerg Fuchs for Lotek64 - your mag is so much
fun to read!

Peter Sandén + Adam and Matt from Lemon64
Those sids are awesome!

I hope you liked my Breadbox Story! Comments and
guestbook signing are greatly appreciated.

Lutz Goerke

C64 Enter (Update History)
Home I. The Commodore 64 II. First steps III. Computer listings IV. I'm getting mad V. The best games
VI. C64 music VII. Das "Datenklo" VIII. Online!
IX. C64 online scene X. Links