My Breadbox Story - the Commodore 64

I notice this funny blinking sort of box called cursor
(it's also the nickname of a friend of mine). The blue back-
ground color looks nice. I stare at the flickering TV til my
eyes burn - but who cares back in 1983. 38911 Basic
Bytes are waiting for my input...

The keyboard is nice. The War Games movie comes
to my mind. I'm as cool as it gets typing my first
commands like the bloke in the motion picture.
Nothing can stop me now...

Perhaps I should try this enclosed Disk first. But how
do I load a program? I have to know the filenames first I guess.
I read every single page of the crappy manual without finding sort of a
catalog command. Some computer geeks must have written the hand-
book. A friend, a CBM 8032 freak told me: "you'll find everything
in the C64 manual, but not what you're looking for. Do you
remember our Physics teacher, the one with greasy hair
wearing always the same tie? Such nerds are writing
these manuals.

Sorry no translation - but it doesn't matter - a computer
newbie wouldn't understand a single word anyway - believe me :-)

Den Systembefehl an die Floppy uebermitteln ( 1: logische Filenummer, die innerhalb der
Grenzen 1 bis 127 frei gewaehlt werden kann, 8: Geraeteadresse der Floppy, 15: Sekundaeradresse).
Sollte oeffnen des Files die Fehlermeldung ? FILE OPEN ERROR erscheinen, so wurde vorher das
File Nummer 1 nicht Ordnungsgemaess geschlossen, was durch die Eingabe CLOSE 1 nachgeholt
werden muss. Der NEW-Befehl hat das Format: PRINT#1fn,"N:dn,xx" 1fn : Logische Filenummer
dn : Name der Diskette (max. 16 Zeichen) xx : Ein zwei Zeichen langes Identifizierungs
merkmal (ID)

Frustrating! I unplug the c64 video cable from the TV
to watch a new epsiode of Time Tunnel

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