My Breadbox Story - the Commodore 64

I just have to mention the SID
(Sound Interface Device)- Chip that
give the C64 the special sound I love.
Let's start with a quiz for all you
die hard SID fans:

Spot the difference!

It's about the Song "Crazy Comets" by
Rob Hubbard. I did two samples - one recorded
directly from my C64 - the other is an emulation
(Sidplay). Which one is the original?

A or B?

Scroll down for the solution...

BTW: Do you remember "Axel F" for two C64?
Harry Bratt and Craig Chamberlain did a song with
six voices for the Sidplayer. Back in the 80's you had
to connect two C64 to your stereo and start both songs
(axelf-l, axelf-r) SIMULTANEOUSLY. Not as easy as it
sounds - the best way was to use two joysticks as
starting trigger. Today it's possible to listen
to the song without dragging your breadbin
to your friends place. I sampled the left
and right "half" directly from the C64
and merged them on my PC to one
song. Voila! Here it is.

The Sidplay Emulator is great but
not perfect. If you want to be sure to get
the real thing listen to the next songs. I
sampled them directly from my trusty
old C64 (all in mp3 format)

I choose some tunes that are not that well
known but I love them. Let's start with Skyrunner
a great 80's kind of popsong. "Boys don't cry" by Barry
Leitch is just superb! Here's the great artwork by Alan
McFarlane from the demo. Please copy it it in the same
dir as the mp3 and use this winamp plugin. Now you see
Robert Smith while listening to the track. If you want
more songs from Barry Leitch check this link out.
Last but not least two tracks by Rob Hubbard:
Formula One and International Karate.

Here's the solution of the "Spot
difference!" Quiz.

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