n Audio clips from F1 (Watson), CART, Indy Racing League, NASCAR and MotoGP

Audio files (F1,CART,IRL,MotoGP) from John Watson, M.Walker, et cetera. Ever wonder what the IRL announcers Bob Jenkins & Co talk about during commercial breaks? Just scroll down...
Now also with audio clips from NASCAR (please scroll down).

Last update: 11.1.2010 - moved page to Alice

You need a mp3 player like winamp to listen to the the samples. Get Winamp here

(754 KB). Only if you`re into German. Heinz Prueller, Austrians sort of Murray Walker, is commentating John Watson first GP victory in Zeltweg 1976.

(226 KB). Heinz Prueller about Watson (also in German).

(275 KB) Nothing from Watson but a very funny Pizza Hut commercial with Murray Walker and Damon Hill.
Get the screenshots (229KB) here!!

15.10.95 (44 KB). John Watson about intelligent racing.

22.10.95 (172 KB). Ben Edwards and John Watson about Hill and Schumacher in Spa 95

22.10.95 (82 KB). John Watson about Schumacher's way to fight for position in Spa 95

22.10.95 (159 KB). John Watson about the Hill/Schumacher incident during the Monza GP 95

22.10.95 (19 KB). Same as above in few words

22.10.94 (97 KB). John Watson commentating the Hill/Schumacher accident in Adelaide 94

10.03.1996 (280 KB). Watson and Edwards about Villeneuves move on Hill in Melbourne 96

24.05.96 (120 KB). John Watson about Michael Schumacher's Pole Position in Monaco 96

24.05.96 (27 KB). Watson's comments about the barriers in Monaco

24.05.96 (56 KB). Watson about the winner of the Monaco 96 Grand Prix Olivier Panis

21.09.96 (270 KB). Watson about Alesi and Hill fighting for the lead in Monza 96 before the Ascari-Chicane

21.09.96 (93 KB). Watson about the pass of Hakkinen on Villeneuve in Parabolica Monza 96

21.09.96 (741 KB). Watson about Hills's retirement in Monza 96

21.09.96 (399 KB). Watson about the great pass of Villeneuve on Schumacher in the Parabolica in Estoril 96

Finger.mp3 (52 KB). Watson about Frentzen's "Finger". Get the picture here

03.03.2002 (637 KB). The Dream Team is back! John Watson and Ben Edwards are commentating the australien
GP for Sky-Digital. Watson and Edwards about the huge shunt of Ralf after colliding with Barrichello at the start

03.03.2002 (358 KB). David Coulthard's restart...

03.03.2002 (377 KB). Michael Schumacher got Montoya

03.03.2002 (328 KB). Mika Salo got slight problems overtaking Mark Webber

03.03.2002 (220 KB). Webber on the way to 5th place in Australia 2002

02.03.2002 (332 KB). Still Australia: Watson about the Coulthard Villeneuve incident during qualifying

Samples from german crap-tv RTL (only if you're into german)

RTL "wir zeigens ihnen" - oder wen interessieren schon die fehlenden 21 Minuten jedes Rennens? >:->

15.10.95 (50 KB). Was Kai Ebel schon immer gerne ueber Flavio Briatore wissen wollte

15.10.95 (263 KB). Frentzen und Ebel diskutieren ueber praktische Grossbildschirme in Silverstone 95

15.10.95 (76 KB). Frentzen philosophiert ueber seine Liebe zum nassen Element

15.10.95 (119 KB). Frentzen stellt Ebel unerwartet vor schwerwiegende Rechenprobleme

15.10.95 (45 KB). Frentzen erklaert, warum ein Auto mit kaputtem Motor so schlecht faehrt

22.10.95 (42 KB). Don't drink and drive? Gilt nicht fuer Formel Eins Fahrer!

22.10.95 (26 KB). Michael Schumacher ueber sein Weib Corinna

22.10.95 (137 kb). Damon Hill about Schumacher in Spa 95 (in English)

08.10.2000 (53 KB). RTLs F1 Experte Heiko Wasser wuerdigt Michael Schumachers WM-Titel und vergisst dabei nicht die letzte Ferrari F1-Weltmeisterin aus dem Jahre 1979 zu erwaehnen.

29.07.2001 (374 KB). Nach seinem Sieg in Hockenheim geniesst Ralf Schumacher jede Minute des Interviews mit Kai Ebel

29.07.2001 (601 KB). Dieses zeigt Ralf auch ganz offen...

Hier der inoffiziele Song zu den RTL-F1-Uebertragungen. Keine Angst - stammt nicht von Modern Talking...
Zum Abspielen nehmt einfach Winamp (209 KB)

Special thanks to Jens Glaeser for the samples! Have a look at his Cart-Site.
Also thanks to Peter Berger for the great picture of John Watson and Ben

Funny Stuff (only if you`re into german)

(81 KB). So hat sich Kai Ebel das Interview mit Frentzen in Brasilien sicher nicht vorgestellt...

(55 KB). Die altehrwuerdige Tagesschau zeigt in Sachen Formel 1 beim Vorbericht zum GP in Brasilien 2000 hohe Sachkompetenz.

(146 KB). Marc Surer und Jacques Schulz ueber die Anzahl der Ueberholmanoever in Imola 2000.

05.05.2000 (107 KB). Marc Surer ueber seine Erwartungen an Jean Alesi zu Beginn des freien Trainings in Barcelona.

05.05.2000 (213 KB). Marc Surer aeussert sich zusammen mit Jacques Schulz darueber ob Jean Alesi auch das macht was von ihm erwartet wird.

05.05.2000 (25 KB). Marc Surer ueber Alesis voraussichtliche Analyse des Fahrverhaltens seines Prost-Peugeot.

05.05.2000 (135 KB). Jean Alesi bleibt im Soll

05.05.2000 (140 KB). Marc Surer darueber wie sich das Prost-Team auf Jean Alesi einstellt.

02.07.2000 (722 KB). CART: Roberto Moreno's victory in Cleveland (from french TV (ABmoteurs).

Berger.mp3 (13 KB). Back in the 80's f1 rookie Berger got problems adjusting his mirror.
The first sound is his mirror, the second is Berger himself :-)

Get the picture here

Bathurst 2002 (188 KB). "Crocodile Dundee" and a gridgirl. Stop doing that! :D

Indy 500

...listen to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

28.5.2000 (248 KB). Tom Sneva, Arie Luyendyk (both Indy 500 winners) and Bob Jenkins during the first break about the start...

28.5.2000 (100 KB). Bob Jenkins knows always who is in the lead...

28.5.2000 (152 KB). About Montoya and yellows...

28.5.2000 (223 KB). About Indy 500 rookie Andy Hillenburg...

28.5.2000 (515 KB). Who is it? Sarah?

28.5.2000 (752 KB). After the Sarah Fisher interview...

28.5.2000 (633 KB) Lap 143 - Greg Ray again...


...listen (again) to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

18.3.2001 (383 KB). Bob Jenkins, Larry Rice and Jason Priestley during the break about Eliseo Salazar...


...listen (once again) to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

28.4.2001 (433 KB). Bob Jenkins, Larry Rice and Jason Priestley during the break about haircuts and stuff...

28.4.2001 (490 KB). Buddy Lazier on three wheels...


...listen (again and again) to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

30.6.2001 (521 KB). 207 Laps to go - during the commercial break Bob Jenkins, Larry Rice and Jason Priestley start chatting about Buzz Calkins...

30.6.2001 (483 KB). Bob and Jason about the Salazar/Cheever incident...

30.6.2001 (1141 KB). Now some very nice comments from A.J. himself about Eddie Cheever...

30.6.2001 (257 KB). Talking about being polite: Someone doesn't like Ron Green (?) at all...


...listen to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

8.7.2001 (332 KB). 65 laps have been completed. What's the meaning of the German word 'Schnauzer'? Bob Jenkins got the answer...

8.7.2001 (1211 KB). Bob, Jack and Jason about debris and confusion...

8.7.2001 (1141 KB). You don't know Jack...


...listen to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

21.7.2001 (442 KB). Oh come on Bob, Jason - don't stop it!.

21.7.2001 (557 KB). Jason and his favourite Italian ? words

21.7.2001 (571 KB). 137 Laps completed. Guten Abend mein Freund Jason, Dein Deutsch ist wirklich gut! (Hey Jason, your German is perfect). BTW: I'm sorry, I don't smoke :-) Also Greetings to Bob: Jason will teach you more German - for sure!

21.7.2001 (366 KB). Bob after the race about Jason's ego


...listen to what Bob & Co talked about during the commercial breaks...

2.9.2001 (379 KB). Jason gets a little bit confused...

2.9.2001 (876 KB). During the break Salazar and Beechler are figthing for position. Get it on Jason!

2.9.2001 (1239 KB). Eliseo Salazar just had his big moment with Mark Dismore - during the break Bon Jenkins & Co start chatting about it...

2.9.2001 (430 KB). Jason's ego (again)


...listen to what the commentators talked about during the commercial breaks...

6.8.2006 (387 KB). Lap 31. Jeff Burton is the race leader...

6.8.2006 (735 KB). After the incident in the pitlane - lap 41...

6.8.2006 (527 KB). During the break - Lap 58...

6.8.2006 (562 KB). About Robbie Gordon and grip

MotoGP on Eurosport

Ron Ringguth, Dirk Raudies & Co

5.6.2005 (334 KB). Colin Edwards, "The Texas Tornado" in Mugello about his race strategy

5.6.2005 (318 KB). (Only if you're into German) Das "T" auf dem Pitboad führt zu großen Diskussionen.

5.6.2005 (154 KB). (Only if you're into German) Ron Ringguth angesichts der schönen Aussichten (siehe Shot oben) in der Box von Roberto Rolfo...

5.6.2005 (313 KB). (Only if you're into German) Überhaupt versucht Ron sich durch besonders schöne Kamera-Einstellungen während seines Kommentars nicht aus dem Konzept bringen zu lassen.
Was ihm bei diesem Ausblick nicht gelingt...

5.6.2005 (245 KB). (Only if you're into German) Spekulationen über die Oma aus der Suzuki Werbung...

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